7 of Inspirations New Year Edition

January 1, 2020 | by Future.Solutions

7 of Inspirations (Special Edition - Books)


Permanent Record | Eduard Snowden
Permanent Record is the essential and courageous memoir of Edward Snowden – the man who risked everything to expose the shocking mass surveillance used by governments across the world to spy on their own citizens.

QualityLand | Marc-Uwe Kling
Willkommen in QualityLand, in einer nicht allzu fernen Zukunft: Alles läuft rund - Arbeit, Freizeit und Beziehungen sind von Algorithmen optimiert. Trotzdem beschleicht den Maschinenverschrotter Peter Arbeitsloser immer mehr das Gefühl, dass mit seinem Leben etwas nicht stimmt. Wenn das System wirklich so perfekt ist, warum gibt es dann Drohnen, die an Flugangst leiden, oder Kampfroboter mit posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung? Warum werden die Maschinen immer menschlicher, aber die Menschen immer maschineller? Marc-Uwe Kling hat die Verheißungen und das Unbehagen der digitalen Gegenwart zu einer verblüffenden Zukunftssatire verdichtet, die lange nachwirkt. Visionär, hintergründig 


How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits holding you back from your next raise, promotion or job| Sally Helgesen, Marshall Goldschmith
Sally and Marshall identify the twelve habits that hold women back as they seek to advance, showing them why what worked for them in the past might actually be sabotaging their future success. Building on Marshall's classic bestseller What Got You Here Won't Get You There, How Women Rise is essential reading for any woman who is ready to advance to the next level.

The Double X Economy: The Epic Potential of Empowering Women | Linda Scott
Modern slavery is 71% female. 80% of the earth's farmable surface is owned by men. UK women lose GBP140 billion a year in wages to the gender pay gap - the equivalent of GBP10,000 each. WHEN WE FAIL WOMEN, WE ALL LOSE Allowing women farmers the same resources as men would reduce the number of chronically hungry by up to 150 million. Giving female entrepreneurs in Britain equal access to capital would add GBP250 billion to the economy. The global economy's wealth would be GBP160 trillion higher if the gender pay gap were closed. WHEN WE EMPOWER WOMEN, WE ALL WIN IT'S TIME TO UNLOCK THE POWER OF THE DOUBLE X ECONOMY *** The Double X Economy describes both the shocking gender inequalities built into the global economy, and the collective power of women that could be harnessed to turn these around and combat humankind's most pressing problems. Promoting women's economic empowerment will dramatically boost social, financial and environmental conditions for everybody around the world. Provocative, accessible and game-changing, The Double X Economy is at once an expert analysis and an urgent call to action. ARE YOU READY?


Die Kunst des digitalen Lebens: Wie SIe auf News verzichten und die Informationsflut meistern | Rolf Dobelli
Wir sind immer bestens informiert und wissen doch so wenig. Warum? Weil wir ständig »News« konsumieren – kleine Häppchen trivialer Geschichten, schreiende Bilder, aufsehenerregende »Fakten«. Der Bestsellerautor Rolf Dobelli lebt seit vielen Jahren gänzlich ohne News – und kann die befreiende Wirkung dieser Freiheit aus erster Hand schildern. Machen Sie es wie er: Klinken Sie sich aus. Radikal. Und entdecken Sie die Kunst eines stressfreien digitalen Lebens mit klarerem Denken, wertvolleren Einsichten und weniger Hektik. Sie werden bessere Entscheidungen treffen – für Ihr Privatleben und im Beruf. Und Sie werden auf einmal mehr Zeit haben, die Sie nutzen können für das, was Sie bereichert und Ihnen Freude macht.


The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Managing Your Business and Your Life| Geshe Michael Roach, Lama Christie McNelly
With a unique combination of ancient and contemporary wisdom from Tibetan Buddhism, The Diamond Cutter presents readers with empowering strategies for success in their personal and professional lives. The book is presented in three layers. The first is a translation of The Diamond Sutra, an ancient text of conversations between the Buddha and his close disciple, Subhuti. The second contains quotes from some of the best commentaries in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. And the third layer, the main text, is the practical application of Buddhist philosophies to the world of business, based upon Geshe Michael Roach's seventeen-years of experience as an employee of the Andin International Diamond Corporation, a company that grew during his tenure from four employees to a world leader in the jewelry industry. 

The Magic of believing | Claude Bristol, Mitch Horrowitz
Claude Bristol's tough-minded, hard-hitting message remains as fresh and focused today as when his books were first published when the subconscious mind was less understood. Times have changed since the late 1940s, but ambitions have not, and millions of Americans have drawn on the no-nonsense techniques described in The Magic of Believing to reach their dreams and achieve success. 

Obstacles have become a thing of the past, when they were "blasted" with Bristol's powerful book, T.N.T.: It Rocks the Earth. Adhering to his cornerstone philosophy on the power of believing, T.N.T. offers practical suggestions on how to accurately and scientifically proceed to get what you want in life. 

In these 2 great books, you will learn:  How to project confidence; How to impress your subconscious mind; Why a focused aim leads to achievement; What your appearance reveals about you; The mental secret to success.; How to transfer your thoughts to others; To have a power at your command that astounds
Let the wisdom the author imparts, infiltrate both your conscious and uncon-scious mind. It's time to shift into high gear and forward motion, as you commit to your greatest and highest purpose. 

7 of Inspirations Happy New Year

Disclaimer: I make every effort to ensure accuracy, but accept no liability for any possible errors. The opinions of the linked articles are not necessarily the same as my opinion.

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